Film and Television Credits Include: Klaus Wagner in Gossip Girl, Hendire in Hip Hop Clowns, Trent in Youth Revolt, and Lothario in Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist.
Theatre Credits Include: Hanschen in Spring Awakening (OBC), Guard in Bent, Percy in LA Bonfire Night, Ghost Brothers, JB in Departure Lounge, Stanley in A Streetcar Named Desire, J.B. in Mindgames, Baker in Into the Woods, Robbie in Shooters, Brother in Dead Man Walking, Lewis in Love & A Wide Moon, Matzuzaki Jr. in Ramat, Brian in Fallout, Wallace in Freeman’s Grounding, American Men in A Piece of My Heart, Michael in Dancing at Lughnasa, Hale in The Crucible, Snug in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Adolf Gretzel in Stage Door.